Mind / Body / Spirit Spring Cleaning by The Herbalista
Take home some nerdy herbie facts about local plant based medicines as well as some in class projects that may help you this Spring! Sign up HERE for this and other Spring Cleaning workshops by StrawberryHedgehog.com or use the following link— http://goo.gl/srxNbD
Join me for an afternoon of desert plants + herb-infused fun with:
* Flower Essences + Relaxation Techniques for the Mind
* Cleansing + Clearing herbs for the Body
* Meditation + Chakra balancing for the Spirit
Yesterday’s sold-out workshop at the Strawberry Hedgehog Soap Factory was absolutely fabulous! I taught a Mind, Body, Spirit Spring Cleaning class that introduced local desert plants for more happy + healthy this season.
Flower Essences were the first part of the conversation (learn some quick and dirty facts about Flower Essences in my blog HERE)– I introduced elixirs of the following:
Borage / Borago off. — The Flower of Courage – HEART
Dandelion / Taraxacium off. — The Flower of Survival – BEING
Chamomile / Matricaria chamomilla — The Flower of Equilibrium – SUNNY
Yarrow / Achillea millifolium — The Flower of Invulnerability – SHEILD
St. John’s Wort / Hypericum perforatum — The Flower of Light – LIGHT
Castor Oil Plant / Ricinis communis — The Flower of Vitality – PURGE
Nasturtium / Tropaeolum majus — The Flower of Patriotism – WARMTH
Chaparral / Larrea tridentata — The Flower of Detoxification – DETOX
Saguaro / Cereus giganteus — The Flower of Authority – GUARDIAN
Each person was then able to make their own custom essence using up to 3 flowers to take home and experiment. They also got some hands on time with Aloe (took home some plants, drank some aloe juice), Stinging Nettles (Eclectic InstituteFresh Freeze dried capsules, Traditional Medicine Nettles Tea, and Desert Sage Herbs whole plant tincture), Dandelion (Desert Sage Herbs Tincture of the root, fresh leaves from the garden, flower essence), Chaparral (dried leaves, desert salve from Tangled Root Botanicals, Desert Sage Herbs tincture), and fresh Rosemary.
We finished up with a quick chakra conversation and safety info on Essential Oils. Each student was then able to make their own Chakra Balancing Mister with my Chakra Oil kit from Mountain Rose Herbs.
Plenty of take aways + interaction, every single student stayed an extra hour to keep herbing out with me, truly an honor~
Mind, Body, Spirit Spring Cleaning Workshop at Strawberry Hedgehog ’15
Mind, Body, Spirit Spring Cleaning Workshop at Strawberry Hedgehog ’15
SOLD OUT class at the soap factory!
lots of interaction and hand hands on!
Lots of love + gratitude to Tracy / Strawberry Hedgehog for their space and for this opportunity!